Why blog??
In a world that clamours for our attention every minute of every day, I questioned this decision and hesitated to put myself out ‘there’. I found myself asking, “Why start a blog, there are so many already?” And, “I don’t follow many blogs, so why should I do one?”
“This isn’t for you, Juliana.” Jesus spoke. Humbled, I said, “Ok, Father, You have Your way with this space. I want, no, I NEED Your words to reach out and captivate all those who are searching for Your Presence. To all who are longing for purpose, for meaning, for acceptance, love, significance, hope, and all those who are weary. All those who wonder if there is more available. You show people that You in fact, are THE way. You are THE truth. You are THE life. You delight in pursuing after us with loving kindness.”
It is my hope and my joy to bring you Jesus, and His life uniquely lived out in Juliana!